Thursday, February 2, 2012

TMT 2012 #5


Its that day of the week again....
1. Julie would like to know one frugal tip this week.
I had to come back to this question.  Hmmm....does it count that sometimes I wash out plastic sandwich bags and reuse them?
Or I've been leaving my house heat set at 55 and just warming the room we are in with a ceramic heater?  The verdict is still out on wether or not that is saving me $$$
Lately I've also been trying to cook bigger meals at night so that I have lunch to take to work with me the next day.  The $9 lunches are killing me!!!
2. What are you reading this week?
Reading?  Craigslist, emails, those count?
No I have 2 books I'm flipping through now, one on farming on small acerage, the other on gardening on small acerage.  Just trying to get a plan for the garden this year.  I'd go broke if I got new books every time I finished one, most of the time I read the books my mom gets me for christmas in about 3 days :)

3. Barbara wants to know: do you hit the snooze button on the alarm clock, and if so how many times?
I set the alarm so it goes off 15 minutes before I have to get up.  It makes me feel good to have a few minutes to lay in bed and watch the news!  So I hit snooze once (my alarm goes off after 9 minutes) and then get out of bed a few minutes later

4. If you had to travel in a sedan (or if you already drive a sedan type car) and you had five or six dogs, how would you handle it?
I had a mazda protege and I had, I think, 4 dogs at the time and Tucker who had to still ride in the back.  Solution was to throw dogs in the back seat and one in the front and crates that folded up in the trunk.  It wasn't ideal or super safe, but it worked.
Now I have a mazda tribute.  Its the small SUV.  I have more dogs, 5 to be exact, which is lower that what I typically keep.  One rarely travels with us so that helps.  But I do Jen and Hep in a crate together, they actually do wonderfully that way.  Dutch and Cass ride seperately.  I'm searching for used Central Metal crates, they make them in narrower and shorter versions of regular crates, which would allow me to fit 4 crates of the same (intermediate) size in the back.  I can fit 2 intermediate and 2 mediums in the car now, but I'm still searching for cheap medium crates on craigslist :)  I've gotten 3 intermediate/large crates for $10 why do people want more for medium???

5. How much do you filter what you put on your own blog?

A lot, I love the super snarky blogs, but I also know that I have people that would offend and also some of my former riding students who read here.  I also work for a non-profit that is funded by the state :)


Laura Carson said...

Thanks for the many-dogs-in-a-car tips. I think I might be able to squeak a few crates in, plus foldies in the trunk.

I like some snark too - to read, but I couldn't ever actually post it myself. I've come close a few times and just can't pull the trigger.

Unknown said...

I'll have to look for some of those crates - doesn't seem like there are many used ones in my area.

And I read super fast too, thank goodness for my Kindle and the multitude of free books out there!

Kelly said...

I haven't found any really, well one on eBay but the lady wouldn't ever give me a shipping price so I didn't bid.