1. Jorgen would like to know what skill would you like to have that you don't currently have?
Honestly, I'd like to be able to talk to animals. Not the hokey kind of animal whisperer you laugh at but to be able have a true connection and talk to them and understand what's going on. If you don't feel well, tell me what is wrong/painful/etc so we can do the right test. If you don't understand something tell me what it is. That kind of thing.....That would be wonderful :)
2. If someone were going to play you in a movie, who do you think it would be?
Is there someone out there that brave? Can I make them much more attractive than me? And smarter too? And someone who had no fear of saying the things that I bite my tongue and sit on my hands to keep from saying/typing to people :) HA! I'll have to think on that one...
3. Kelsey wants to know what is a quality that you admire in a dog but would never fit with you?
Hmmmm probably an extreme of either end. A super, super soft dog and I wouldn't get along. I have tweaked myself to get along with Dutch who is an unconfident dog because I love him but sometimes even I still scare him...I just am not the cheerleader type. And a super hard dog and I wouldn't get along, because that would turn into a battle of the wills and I wouldn't stop until I won....I just want a dog who can get the job done with out a lot of input. I like dogs that are smart and get things with few repititions too :) I dont' ask for much LOL
4. If you had just enough money to pay someone to do one chore for you, what would it be?
To keep my car clean. I have this thing where if I can't keep it perfect I just can't deal with it. And with a ton of dogs and an 11 year old son I can't keep it perfect. So it looks like a rolling trash dump...or something like that. I try I really do, but I just need someone to do it for me, PLEASE! My dad once told me about an old car I had when I told him I was going to clean it out "you better not clean that car out, I think all that crap you keep in it is what holds it together and if you clean it, it might go into shock and fall apart."
5. Are you a procrastinator, a doitnower (I made that word up), or something in between?
Well it depends on what it is. I'm kind of a now or never kind of person but if I know that I'm not going to achieve perfection then I'm more than likely a procrastinator. Oh and at work I'm definatley a procrastinator, I perform quite well under pressure. So I do tend to wait until the last minute to do things are work...nothing like trying to beat a deadline!