Friday, January 6, 2012

TMT 2012


TMT is back...Thanks Laura.  I didn't see this yesterday before I left work, so I didn't get a chance to fill it out...

1. What is your favorite new toy? I know you have one, so you might as well go on and fess up.
I didn't get any new toys this year.  I'm sitting here trying to think of something interesting and toy like but I have nothing....

2. If you're going to be caught under the mistletoe, who would you LEAST like it to be with?
That's probably a longer list than what anyone wants to sit here and read!

3. New Year's Resolutions - for your dogs - share!
Hep - to get her to take my away whistle and flank and to get her trialing.  She needs to be more fit before doing that so we are working on it.
Jen - to get her healthy and get her trialing as well.  She is driving quite well now even if she tends to get dyslexia on the flanks! 
Dutch - keep building his confidence and get him out to new places.  I think we have figured out his weight issues, so I would like to make sure that he says at his new chunky weight :)
Duke - he is going to be trying out agility for fun and so that he has a focus, his resolution is to focus!

4. New Year's Resolutions - for yourself - share!
To be more organized
To get out to see my friends who aren't close more
To get my dogs to trials, even if just the local ones

5. How did you handle the holiday food situation?Oh, I wasn't supposed to eat everything in sight?  We have 4 Christmas's, I ate a lot....I now wonder why I have a muffin top.  Maybe the getting Hep fit thing will help me lose said muffin top?  Lets pray :)


Laura Carson said...

bwaahahahaha, Kelly said "muffin top". You are now inducted into the club. lol

Yeah, I'm hoping to get to see my further away friends more too. My biggest problem is a very distinct lack of gas money.

Kelly said...

Well I'm right there with you on the gas money....I plan to have a huge garden this year so that I can reduce what I am paying out to the grocery stores at least. Its too bad there's no one to carpool with to go see Julio ;)

Yes, muffin tops...YUCK! Never thought I would have to say that about my body :(

Laura Carson said...

Any time you wanna take a day trip over there and stop here/share I'm in! Granted we couldn't fit all dogs that both of us own, but we could fit... most. :P

Kelly said...

I have slimmed down on dog numbers :) Though I could slim down even more so we could fit in dogs :)