Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The passing of a great

I was fortunate enough to get to keep Robin French's Spottie for her retirement years.  I trialed her a few times but mostly used her on the farm to help with my small flock of sheep.  She was a great teacher and taught me so much in the 3 years she was here with me.

She was an amazing trial dog for Robin and a great teacher for me and I will never forget that.  Thank you Spottie, may you now run free without pain. 


Laura Carson said...

She taught me a lot too - Spottie has left a legacy behind. I'm so sorry.

Kelly said...

Oh I almost forgot you had her for a while. Thanks! She learned to be a house dog in her finals years, I think that was bliss for her.

Robin French said...

Spottie touched a lot of lives, both here and overseas.